This is from last year. I found it in this notebook I keep. But it applies to the present. History repeats.
The Debt of Teen Love
As I struggle to keep myself together
I tear myself apart
Then I start to wonder: did you even love me from the start?
Love's all I have to give
and so many are eager to take
but what's left of me is emptiness
these are the beds that I make.
Is it even worth it?
I know that you don't care.
Should I hand out my heart?
Is that even fair?
It's the feeling of love
that's all I really want.
To be genuinely cared for;
to be somebody's to flaunt.
But lately, and sadly it seems,
these niggas don't care how I feel
they don't ask about my dreams.
But still I keep trying;
hoping this one will be mine.
Maybe he'll make it better.
Maybe this time I'll be fine.